If you need an English explanation, please jump here.
1.メインメニューから価格 > 日別料金詳細設定へお進みください。
設定変更後は、設定>すべてのOTA >OTA名>アップデートボタンを押してください。
We refer to the number of guests allowed to stay for a set amount in the Beds24 calendar as the “basic number of people”.
If you are selling on AirBnB, please see this page to the end.
How to set the “basic number of people”.
1. Prices > Daily Price Setup
Click on the Edit button for the OTA you wish to edit.
2.”Price for” = base number of people.
The base number of guests means the number of guests who can stay at the Beds24 calendar price (= base price).
3.After selecting the basic number of people, press SAVE. Please check to see if the OTA correctly reflects the base number of participants you have set.
To change the base number of people on AirBnB, additional settings are required
If you are selling on AirBnB, please change here as well.
Be sure to match the basic number of people set up in the Daily Price Setup with the number of people in the Guest Include.
Settings > Channel Manager > AirBnB > Specific Content > Guests Included
After you have changed all the settings, be sure to check that the OTA correctly reflects the base number of people you have changed by going to Settings > Channel Manager Update button from the appropriate OTA.
Please click here to see how to set up additional person charge.