Track Bookings
This page explains how you can track bookings.
{{#fas:lightbulb}} The English word referrer is spelled with two rs. However, the parameter's name in the URL is spelled referer with only one r.
All bookings contain a referrer field (under the tab "Details"). The content of this field is set in the link which opens the on-line booking page for the guest.
An example link to your booking page would be:
When a guest clicks this link, the text "Beds24" will be recorded as the referrer of any resulting booking. You may set the text ("referer=text") to different values for different links and track which links are generating your bookings.
All our availability calendars and booking widgets can contain the parameter "referer=text", either as a hidden parameter, or in the URL, depending on the widget. You can set the referrer for a widget here:
You also have the option to add your custom referrer. Please see the widgets help pages for instructions.
To see the booking logs go to REPORTS > BOOKING LOGS
Tracking Pixel
Tracking image pixels need to be included in the <body> part of the page so they are visible. Usually, the easiest way to do this is to include the image pixel as an image tag (<IMG>) in your "on screen" booking confirmation message:
{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > GUEST MANAGEMENT > CONFIRMATION MESSAGES > PERIOD MESSAGES Additional Screen Content for "Normal" Bookings
Page Tracking (e.g. Google Analytics)
Page Tracking is usually done by inserting a script into the head of every page that a user passes on her way to check-out. You can insert your tracking script (for example a Google Analytics script) here:
{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > DEVELOPER > Advanced HTML Settings > Insert in HTML <HEAD>
Conversion Tracking (e.g. Google Ecommerce)
Conversion refers to the final step of a sales operation - when a user is converted into a paying customer. Conversion Tracking scripts (for example a Google Ecommerce Script), therefore, are only inserted into the head of the last page of a process, in this case the confirmation page. Insert your scripts here:
Custom booking confirmation page
It is also possible to set a Booking Return URL leading to your own website. Guests will be sent to this page rather than the standard confirmation page allowing you to create a custom confirmation landing page. Information about the booking will be added to the URL for your extraction and use. You can set the URL to your own website here:
{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > BOOKING PAGE > BEHAVIOUR "Redirect after Booking" "Booking Return URL".
If you use this function, you will need to place any conversion tracking scripts on your landing page.
Using template variables in scripts
You can use Template variables in your tracking scripts to include information about the booking. The following example includes the booking number [BOOKID] and price [PRICE] in a Google Ecommerce script.
<script type='text/javascript'> ga('require', 'ecommerce'); ga('ecommerce:addTransaction', { 'id': '[BOOKID]', 'affiliation': 'BEDS24', 'revenue': '[PRICE]' }); ga('ecommerce:addItem', { 'id': '[BOOKID]', 'name': 'Lodging', 'category': 'Accomodation', 'price': '[PRICE]', 'quantity': '1' }); ga('ecommerce:send'); <script>
{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} This script is just an example; it probably won't work as is. Please get a working script from your tracking service.
Google Tracking
The exact scripts to be installed are supplied by Google. Check their help pages for the latest version.
{{#fas:lightbulb}} The booking page is on the domain You may need to enable multiple domain settings in your Google admin console.